I Just Found Out Leah Remini Was Asked To Audition For Friends And Another Iconic Sitcom Before Landing The King Of Queens. Why Did She Pass?

Leah Remini in The King of Queens.
(Image credit: CBS)

The King of Queens has long been gone from the primetime TV schedule, though its run of 200+ episodes remains a favorite among viewers with Peacock subscriptions. It’s partly because of the incredible cast, which includes Kevin James, Leah Remini, Patton Oswalt, and Jerry Stiller, among others. It’s hard to imagine anyone else playing the role of Carrie Hefferman, but I just found out that Remini was actually asked to audition for Friends and another iconic sitcom before The King of Queens.

Before Remini cemented Carrie as a TV wife who put her husband in his place on The King of Queens, she came close to auditioning for what would become two of the best sitcoms ever: Friends and Will & Grace. She told TV Insider why she decided to pass on the two of them, despite having a feeling they would go on to become major hits:

In my mind, there’s some parts that are just meant for you. They wanted me to audition for Will & Grace, so I read it and said, ‘This is going to be a hit show.’ I read that and I read Friends. I said, ‘These two shows are going to be hits, but I’m not those characters. I don’t think this is meant for me.’

It makes sense why Remini wanted to pass on both Friends and Will & Grace. It’s not just about wanting to join a show one thinks will succeed, but also about finding the role that could potentially be the right fit for many years. Whatever parts Remini was asked to audition for in the other shows apparently weren't right for her.

Looking back now, it turned out to be probably the best decision, since all three shows went on to become huge hits with beloved cast ensembles. And it turns out Remini didn't feel the same hesitation when it came to going after Carrie Heffernan, and the actress knew it was the one, saying:

It was my part. And Kevin and I were meant to know each other, you know? Sometimes it’s your turn…this was just meant to be.

The King of Queens was certainly fate for Leah Remini. While Friends and Will & Grace didn’t work out for her, for good reason, she just knew that not only was Carrie Heffernan the perfect role for her, but working with Kevin James was icing on the cake. The two had undeniable chemistry on the CBS sitcom, and it’s very possible if someone else landed the role that James might not have meshed with so well, the show might not have lasted nine seasons.

Today, The King of Queens is very much still talked about, and not just because of streaming options. Last year, a photo of James from a promo shoot for the series was going viral, and Remini even reacted to the viral meme that sparked many different reactions from followers on social media. How and why that photo began circulating is unknown, but it did bring some beautiful meme-ories for a temporary stint.

Things happen for a reason, and as fate would have it, Leah Remini took The King of Queens and it turned out to be the best decision she could have had. The show would have been wildly different without her, but she listened to her gut, meaning fans never had to live in a world where Remini wasn't Carrie.

Megan Behnke
Freelance TV News Writer

Passionate writer. Obsessed with anything and everything entertainment, specifically movies and television. Can get easily attached to fictional characters.