While The Red One Trailer Shows Dwayne Johnson Facing Killer Snowmen And Krampus, The Good News Doesn't Stop There

Is it too early to look forward to the holiday offerings on the 2024 movie schedule? I only ask  because after seeing the first trailer for Red One, I’m pleasantly surprised by the buddy cop team that is Dwayne Johnson and Chris Evans. Though I’ll admit, part of that surprise comes from the lads teaming up against killer snowmen and Krampus; with the other half being seen in a rather interesting release model shakeup.

Story wise, the movie seems to be playing out in an interesting manner, especially based on what we know about Red One. With J.K. Simmons’ jacked Santa being abducted, Johnson’s North Pole roughneck is forced to team with Evans’s character. The good news is he’s an excellent tracker; however, the bad news is he’s also one of the Naughty List’s most infamous occupants. 

If you ask me, that's a buddy cop formula that's full of tinsel and badass. Especially when this upcoming Dwayne Johnson movie is pitting these men on a mission against creatures that look like this: 

A trio of jacked snowmen emerge from a freezer truck onto a beach in Red One.

(Image credit: Amazon MGM Studios)

However, the good news doesn’t stop there, as a pretty exciting shake up has occurred in terms of the Amazon MGM Studios film’s release strategy. Apparently, this once streaming bound holiday blockbuster has been shifted up into theatrical release; with Red One scoring a pretty prime November release date to boot. 

Which is where some wall punching comes into play, as Doug Liman’s upset over Road House’s streaming debut has probably been stoked by this development. At the same time, I can see why Red One would be more easily shifted into theatrical release. I mean, if you were going to watch The Rock and the MCU’s former Captain America wrecking shop with Krampus and other holiday figures, doesn’t a movie theater sound like the right place to be?

This certainly looks like a would-be holiday blockbuster, and after Road House’s insane streaming numbers, the suits at Amazon MGM studios might be in the market to try their hand at turning such Dwayne Johnson and Chris Evans’ latest into a potential theatrical hit. Considering Inside Out 2’s continued box office success, this looks like a very savvy move in a family friendly market.

You don’t need Krampus to slap you across the face to see that. And come November 15th, you won't need a Prime Video subscription to see Red One! But while the film will board its sleigh, only in theaters, on November 15th, you'll definitely want that platform on your side to revisit the movie once it heads home.

After all, if this action blockbuster hits like it should, it just may become a holiday tradition everyone will gather around on an annual basis. And isn't that what Santa would want? Besides being rescued from captivity, of course. 

Mike Reyes
Senior Movies Contributor

Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.